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MLM Support – Get Your Upline To Work For You!
Here is a little known MLM secret, most network marketers are working harder than they need to be and would actually greatly increase their income if they understood how to properly use their upline and MLM leaders around them. This post will show you exactly how to get others working for you!
What Prevents Networkers From Using Their MLM Leaders and Upline?
I fully believe that there are more good MLM leaders than bad ones, however, people don’t know how to properly use their upline so they might perceive them to be bad. I look at the number of people I have personally sponsored in both Numis Network and MLSP and it’s amazing to me how few of my PERSONAL signups never reach out to me. I believe there are two reasons that downlines do not reach out to their MLM leaders:
1. They believe that the MLM leader is too busy and don’t want to be a bother.
2. They don’t believe they have earned the right to communicate with upline because they do not have any results yet.
This is crazy thinking for multiple reasons. If given the choice I would MUCH rather help a teammate earn a commission than me go earn one myself. Don’t get me wrong, I do continue to sponsor a lot of people as I believe TRUE MLM leaders should do what they want their team to do, but, I would still prefer to make someone else money that might also make me money. If you have this attitude, you will greatly help the people that DO reach out to you.
MLM Leaders Are Not Mindreaders
Is your upline not reaching out to you? Does that frustrate you? Well, do you think perhaps reaching out to them might make sense? If you truly want something you have to be willing to go out and get it. Understand that your upline or MLM leaders have no idea what you are doing or thinking UNLESS you reach out to them. Below is a quick action plan to do just that.
Why should you reach out? Because you can use their third party credibility to help you with three way calls, edify you, and help you strategize on what THEY did to become a leader and what you can do too.
Action Plan to Get the Attention of Your MLM Leaders

Fun with the Team
Today, reach out to your personal sponsor in your network marketing business. Send an email not only to them but 1-2 MLM leaders in the upline as well. The email should say:
If you are in a Network Marketing Company: “I am ready to get serious about my business in __________. I would like to know if I can rely on you for three way calls or if you have someone else you suggest to me and I also would like to know what training resources you suggest for me. “
If you are in a marketing system like MLSP: “I really want to build my business using the system that I signed up with you in. Can you please suggest to me how to get started and what would it take to get you on the phone or skype to provide me some guidance?”
What to Keep Out of Your Email to the MLM Leaders
Don’t bother sending in a long drawn out email with all the excuses why you have not done anything. What HASN’T been done does not matter now. Focus on what you are GOING to do, not what you have NOT done. Focus on your growth not what has slowed you down or again what you have not done.
What If You Don’t Hear Back?
Well, you will have to make a choice to either build it on your own which is harder than someone with a good upline or find a good upline. When I talk to other network marketers I find that WAY more networkers state how their upline is bad or non-supportive but has never sent an email to their upline along the lines of what I shared today in this post. I am confident that if you follow the steps in this blog post more of you will hear something positive back than not. Remember, it’s much, much harder to do everything on your own, be smart and use the MLM leaders and upline that SHOULD be helping you anyway!
Lets Start a Movement..
It’s time. It’s time for upline and MLM leaders to do what they are supposed to do and that is provide guidance and help their team. Stop putting money in the pockets of MLM recruiters that don’t support their team and let’s all start recognizing the true leaders of network marketing. Do this exercise and follow the directions and lets open up the communication within this industry. Leave me a comment here on a GOOD experience you have had with an upline (without pitching your business) so that others can see that there are true leaders out there.
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Ray Higdon
Skype: ray.higdon
Email: [email protected]
Work With Me – Numis Network
Image: digitalart / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
PS: If Your Upline Does Not Have a Step-By-Step Blueprint For Success, Check This Out (Unless You Already Have Too Many Leads) – Click Here For Instant Access
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