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Learn How to Blog – Day One from Cabo!

ray-and-jessica-higdon-on-beach-200x300My wife and I are here in Cabo for a week, thought it’d be cool to shoot videos to help you learn how to blog for money!

Why Blog?

People ask me if they should take the time to learn how to blog or if I suggest learning some other skill. Here are the reasons I love blogging as a marketing strategy:

1. It allows you to constantly communicate a new message

2. Each blog post becomes an online asset, the posts stay out there forever. This is unlike paid advertising that goes away as soon as you stop paying for it.

3. We get leads and sales from blog posts that were written over two years ago! This is unlike email marketing as I have yet to meet someone that goes back into emails they received two years ago to buy something.

If you take the time to learn how to blog, you WILL understand marketing a whole lot better AND you can build your brand, get leads and make money all at the same time.

Hangin in Cabo!

Hangin in Cabo!

Learn How to Blog for Money

For the next few days (I haven’t quite determined how many yet), I am going to help you learn how to blog with a new video each day. Now, in Cabo my Internet is NOT very fast so they probably will not be long videos but they will impact you and will be jam packed with my blogging tips to help you out.

By the way, when you are consistent with blogging, you can start to get some serious traffic which can lead to serious leads and sales IF you follow my blogging tips for the next few days.

Video: Day One from Cabo!

This first video is going to teach you two very basic blogging tips to help you get your blog up and going quickly. Pay attention as these are tips you should follow BEFORE you even create your blog.

If you got value from that video, please comment and share! Also, if you want to really dive deep, make sure you register for my webinar on July 2nd at 8pm eastern. It is called Make Money Blogging: my 60 day journey to online riches and I know you are going to love it! It is totally free and we will have a Q and A session too. Click here to register and share this with anyone in your team you think might benefit.

To Your Abundance!

Did This Blog Help You? If so, I would greatly appreciate if you commented below and shared on Facebook

Ray Higdon

Skype: ray.higdon

Email: [email protected]

“I Show Network Marketers How to Recruit More Reps, Get More Leads and Become a Top Earner in Their Network Marketing Company.”

Image(s): FreeDigitalPhotos.net

PS: Have you seen my Pro Blog Academy? My buddy Robert now gets over 2,200 visits per day from the training in this product, click here to learn more

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