increase facebook engagement

Are you hearing crickets every time you post something on Facebook?

If you want more engagement and prospects, this will help.

Here I share 4 simple steps for getting more engagement your content.

Increase Facebook Engagement

If you’re not getting any engagement on Facebook posts, what would you do to help that?

If your profile is already set to public and you are still not getting much engagement, here’s a couple suggestions.

1. Build Curiosity NOT Resistance

One, understand the contrast of building curiosity and building resistance.

Curiosity is what you want to accomplish on social media, not resistance.

It’s a big deal of getting people to want to reach out to you, of getting people to want to engage with you. Like, “Hey, what are they up to? Hey, three tips to lose my love handles, what’s that about?”

Curiosity: you want to increase curiosity to attract people to you so that they want to invest more time with you.

Resistance: is where you’re overly pitching or it’s just too easy to see what your agenda is.

If I post every day on this page, “Hey guys, buy my thing, buy my thing. Hey, did I mention buy my thing? You should join my team.” If I did that every day eventually I would also not get any engagement because at some point people are like, “Oh my God, here we go again, geez.” Unfollow.

[clickToTweet tweet=”Curiosity is what you want to accomplish on social media, not resistance.” quote=”Curiosity is what you want to accomplish on social media, not resistance.”]

2. Questions To Ask Yourself:

  • Are you putting out value?
  • Would you follow you?
  • Would you engage with you?
  • If you didn’t know you, would you get value from your posts?

3. Have Patience

I would say have some patience. Have some patience in that it does take time.

When we were first getting serious about six months before we were getting okay engagement in leads.

4. Engage On Facebook

Don’t just post stuff.

If you’re not connecting with other people, if you’re not engaging, if you’re not commenting, if you’re not liking and sharing different people’s stuff then you’re going to decrease the chances of your stuff getting liked.

If you have low engagement one of the things that will prevent you from growing, is if you’re not commenting and connecting with the people who are engaging.

I’ve had clients that come in and say, “Hey, you know what? I’m just not getting, I’m not getting a whole lot of engagement,” and I look on their video and they got 15 comments with no replies. Why should that person ever comment on your stuff ever again?

By the way, I admittedly, I do my very best to engage with as many people as possible. You can definitely do a better job of engaging with the people that comment on your stuff than I have. We spend a lot more time inside our private community than we do on our public stuff like this that’s free and anyone can watch it. I spend hours a day inside of our Rank Makers private community answering questions and helping people out in there so there is a lot of public stuff that I may not catch every comment but you should.

We have a very nicely profitable business. If you do not then you should be engaging with each and every person that sniffs in your direction.

You should be Johnny on the spot of connecting with people who engage with you. That’s something that I feel like people, they wish for more engagement but then they aren’t engagers.

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More Resources For You:network marketing book

How To Attract The Right People To Build Your Network Marketing Team

Why People Will Join You If You Are Brand New

29 Sources of Leads so you never run out of people to talk to again.

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