In the Land of Terrible MLM Prospecting,
It’s Easy to Shine
Sometimes it is upsetting at how terrible people in the network marketing industry are at talking to people. This post will help you avoid ridiculous MLM prospecting blunders that never work.
With MLM Prospecting, Know where your prospect is
I would say the most common MLM prospecting blunder has something to do with not understanding the temperature of your prospect.
Most network marketers EXUDE desperation.
Desperation comes across when you attempt to sell something or get someone to join or do something that is not ready for that step or anywhere close for that matter.
Sorta like asking the stranger at the bar to sleep with you, network marketers that send their company links or “join now” lingo to people they do not actually know and have no idea where they are temperature wise is one of the biggest ways this industry is viewed at by many with skepticism. Network marketing is a better, leveraged way to make a living so why do we have to devalue it by being such crap sales people, throwing up on people and blasting our links to anyone and everyone whether they have a pulse or not?
Unfortunate Story of MLM prospecting and how to avoid them
The other day a lady on my list that receives my marketing newsletter replied and said “Ray, join me! Click here!” of which I replied, is that really your pitch my friend? You may consider a different approach (in my best, nice coaching voice). She replied how she desperately needed me to join and it wasn’t nice that I was laughing at her…then five minutes later sent me a bible verse.
This is what I am talking about. YOU do not DESPERATELY need ANYONE. In fact, this was my actual response to her:
“Here’s the thing you have to understand, you don’t desperately need anyone, you have the power to become one of the greatest networkers in the world but you have to choose to be.
Ray’s Rules of MLM Prospecting
1. You don’t need anyone. Never get caught up on one prospect no matter their potential. Lots of times the ones with the most potential also tend to do the least.
2. Never send an unsolicited link. Stop throwing hail mary’s into the end zone and hoping for a touchdown and instead work your prospect until they are ready to see a link.
3. Find out why someone would be possibly interested in your opportunity BEFORE you suggest they join. One of my favorite questions is Why. Asking why has allowed me to recruit hundreds of people into my network marketing business AND it was their idea.
4. NEVER CONVINCE. I repeat, NEVER CONVINCE. If someone is negative, I say, “Cool, not a fit for you, I got that, let me ask ya this, do you know anyone that has been affected by the economy that actually MIGHT want to make some extra money?” Stop letting people that don’t have the lifestyle you deserve make YOU dance and take back the power.
I truly hope this post helps us raise the conversation level within network marketing. We DO NOT need to go begging people to get in or thinking we are lesser human beings for being in this amazing industry. GO FORTH AND BE POWERFUL!
Oh yeah, Got any other rules of MLM prospecting? Share them below in the comments section
More Resources For You:
Wish you could start your New Rep off right? Check out our Home Business Fast Start CD!
29 Sources of Leads so you never run out of people to talk to again.
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PS: If you haven’t recruited anyone, or fewer than 10 people, This Course will Help (and is on Sale)
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