IF you love the network marketing profession you may want to share this with your teammates.
Today we dive into the areas that give the network marketing profession a bad name and it just isn’t needed. This will help all of us involved.
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Ways to Improve the Network Marketing Profession
As you probably know MANY people have a stigma about our profession. They think it is a scammy, hypey, pyramid schemes or whatever other negative association they may have with it.
IF you have been in the network marketing profession for ANY length of time you know that isn’t the case and you know that it is simply a distribution model, smartly designed, to get people to work with others toward common goals of moving high quality products and services to more people to make a positive impact AND to be compensated for those efforts.
The truth is people aren’t turned off by network market-ING, they are turned off by network market-ERS. I talked about this a bit when Grant Cardone interviewed me but it is absolutely true that it is the actions of the network marketer that has created this stigma and today I will share some ways for us to improve it.
- Stop being defensive. This doesn’t help AND it shows you have a lack of power. Someone arguing with me that the network marketing profession isn’t legit or doesn’t work is like someone arguing with you that electricity is a scam. I know it works but I don’t require them to understand. Often when you stop being so defensive, others see this refreshing posture and may question their stance.
- Stop hyping. Working at a job for someone else is hard. Growing your own business is hard. Living a life that isn’t fulfilling is real hard. Building a network marketing business is also hard, stop telling people it isn’t. NO, they probably won’t join and be making $10,000 a month quickly because MOST people aren’t willing to do that level of work in anything. GOOD people would much rather hear the truth than be brought in by a lie. Tell them that most people don’t make the big money because most people don’t put in the big money effort. This will attract the stronger people but will also prevent the not-so-strong from telling everyone they were lied to when you brought them in.
- Learn proper Social Media etiquette and habits. This is no longer optional as this right here is causing more damage than any other category of the network marketing profession. Think about it, even extremely unconnected people are connected to at least 100 people on social media where most people are connected to over a thousand. Every single time a network marketer makes a spammy, hypey post about their company being ground floor or billion dollar opportunity it hurts them, it hurts the rest of their team, it hurts any other rep in that company, it hurts the company AND it hurts the profession as a whole. The worst part is how many people get to witness this terrible marketing. One way to correct this is to grab my wife’s newly updated 10k Social Media Recruiting Formula as she teaches exactly what to do and what NOT to do (that so many need to hear)
- Say Less to More People. Stop chasing, begging, bugging and pleading with people to get in and instead go find more people.
- Instead of trying to CLOSE, look for people that are OPEN. There are a LOT of people that don’t have the financial or time freedom they wish they had, OR, people that could use your product or service, instead of trying to learn how to close every person you encounter, learn to constantly just search to locate people who are open to hearing more. If someone isn’t open, I would not even mention your company name but instead maybe ask for a referral.
Were these helpful? I believe these five simple tips could really impact the Network Marketing profession in a very positive way, share them if you agree and if you too want to raise the conversation level of our profession.
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Ray Higdon’s Network Marketing Blog
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“I Teach You the Marketing, Mindset and Sales Strategies to Make More Money and Follow Your Passion!”
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