Have you got some negative comments when you do lives?
Here’s exactly how to respond postured to those trolls.
How To Respond To Negative Comments On Your Videos
Man, I’ve never gotten any.
I’m just kidding.
I’ve had some really, really nasty things.
One, always remember that if someone takes the time to sit on a Facebook Live of yours and post a negative comment then they’re having a pretty crappy life.
Who does that?
The people that drop negative comments like on YouTube channels it’s like, “Wow, like how bad is your life that’s that what you do, you just troll other people?”
I think the biggest thing for you to take away is know that the comment isn’t about you, it’s about them.
[mashtweet tweet=”The negative comment isn’t about you, it’s about them.” quote=”The negative comment isn’t about you, it’s about them.”]
It’s their either insecurity and something in their life. It’s their hatred, their despisement of something you represent that maybe they wish that they did.
I know that when I changed what my goals were, when I started being my own boss, starting my own business, and doing those kind of things, I noticed some people had some negativity toward that.
We’ve done one to two videos a day for nine years now, and so believe me I’ve had thousands. I will tell you that I think my worst ones have come from YouTube, but I definitely have had some on Facebook Live.
What To Say
Now, there is a limit, okay. I had someone on YouTube that made some very, very nasty comments about my wife. That it just ain’t happening. I’m blocking them. I’m not conversing with them. And, I’m not saying anything to them, okay.
There are some limits.
If someone is just like, I’ve had people that got on my email list and then for whatever reason they email me and say, “Oh, you’re ripping people off,” or whatever they say.
My response to them isn’t, “Hey, go screw you.” I always respond and say, “Hey, I’m sorry you feel that way, and I’m sorry if you’re having a bad day. And, I hope that things get better for you.”
That’s how I typically respond to a nasty comment.
Now, what’s funny about that is I would say about 50% of the time, maybe more, they actually respond with an apology and they say, “I’m sorry, you know I’m having a bad day and I just took it out on you. I apologize.”
Again, there’s a limit. If they’re saying something really derogatory and really nasty then I’m gonna delete it. I’m gonna block them. I don’t want to deal with them.
Don’t Stoop To Their Level
I also don’t stoop to their level, because keep in mind just the fact that you’re doing Facebook Lives means you’re an example, like you’re an inspiration to people, because a lot of people are scared, they’re scardy bears to do Facebook Live.
So, if someone is nasty to me and drops negative, nasty comment then I don’t want to, “I’ll show them.” Because what am I teaching my audience?
I’m teaching my audience that that’s how they should roll, that should be their energy, and I don’t want that energy.
You know what because I know if someone takes the time to watch a Facebook Live and give me a negative comment then their life is not going so well.
Guess what, I don’t go around watching videos and stuff because I’m so excited to drop a negative comment. I got better shit to do.
People that have better things to do they just don’t do that, and so it’s the people that don’t have the greatest life, that aren’t having a good time, that are having a bad day, that maybe life has kicked them in the shins and they’re trying to take it out on someone that they deem is doing better than them, or bolder than them, or something like that.
I would say do your best to try to be an example, and try to say, “Hey, I’m sorry you feel that way. I’m sorry maybe you’re having a bad day or something. And, I hope that things get better for you.”
Some People Won’t Like You Know Matter What You Do
I like to think that we try our best to make it difficult to not like us. We send out gifts, we do recognition, we do rewards, we do a lot of charity, we do different things. So we try to make it difficult to not like us, but they’re still gonna be people that don’t like you.
There are still people that talk negatively about us and talk negatively about you and talk negatively about everyone. But you can lessen the possibility of it by just taking a little bit higher road.
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