Network Marketing Break How do you hit the reset button after you take a break from your business?

Here I share exactly how to restart and get major results.

How to Reset After Taking a Network Marketing Break

Very common scenario.

Let me tell you, it is few and far between that people just like, “I started my business. I showed up every single day and I was consistent every single day and I never stopped and I made it happen. Hallelujah.”

Here’s what’s more common.

They’re fired up, man. “I’m going to kill this thing.” And they’re like, “Oh, man. Someone told me no. Well, I’ll do a little bit. But I don’t know.”

Their team says, “Hey, you should totally go to the event.”

“I don’t know. I mean, I’m not making anything happen.”

“No, really, you should go the event.”

“All right. I guess, but, you know…”

And then they go to the event. “I’m fired up, man.”

This is way more common.

The rare, just aerodynamic robot, is just like, “I produce no matter what. I prospect people every day. Doesn’t matter.” That is really rare.

Power Of Company Events

It is way more common to be, “I’m fired up, dude.”

And then, “Oh, man. This kind of sucks, bro. Well, I had to pressure-wash my driveway. I had to scrub my aquarium. I don’t really got time right now.”

Then, “I went to an event. It’s amazing. They hit me in the face with a T-shirt. It was awesome.” And so they’re fired up again.

This should encourage you to go to company conventions.

Because without them, some of you all will never do shit. Some of you will never do anything unless you go and have these little peaks.

You’ll just be down here. “Well, I think it really works for me because I’m left-handed.”

And so, get excited!

Marketing on Social Media

One of my favorite marketing quotes, “You’re not marketing to a standing army. You’re marketing to a moving parade.” – David Ogilvy.

[mashtweet tweet=”You’re not marketing to a standing army. You’re marketing to a moving parade. – David Ogilvy” quote=”You’re not marketing to a standing army. You’re marketing to a moving parade. – David Ogilvy”]

People got other shit to do than pay attention to you.

People think that, “Well, Ray, everyone on social media knows exactly what I do and what company I’m in and what product I go.” No, they don’t. They’re chasing kids and doing laundry. They just had a flat tire. And they’re trying out a new diet. They hire a realtor even though you’re a realtor. They just forgot.

Getting Back To Business

So, you’re not marketing to a standing army that’s just at attention.

Stop overthinking it and just get to work. Get to work.

I say this out of love. But too many people are like, “Well, I’ve really been gone for a long time, so I guess if I … I guess I … ”

What are you going to do? Get to damn work.

What’re you talking about? You take a break from your business, how do you get it started? You get back to work. That’s what you do. Stop overthinking it.

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More Resources For You:

How To Attract The Right People To Build Your Network Marketing Team

Why People Will Join You If You Are Brand New

29 Sources of Leads so you never run out of people to talk to again.

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