Are you only able to work Part Time on your Business?
Here I will share exactly how to build a huge Network Marketing Business even if your time is extremely limited.
How To Build A Network Marketing Business Extremely Part Time
It wasn’t that long ago that I had a full time job. At least it doesn’t seem to me like it was that long ago. While I was at that full time job I was working my butt off to get out of that job, so I feel fairly qualified to answer this question.
It’s all about management of time, not abundance of time.
Most people think, “If only I had more time.”
Well, if you’re not efficient with your time then more of it won’t matter.
If someone is a squanderer of time and doesn’t use their time efficiently and effectively, then more of it isn’t going to help.
[clickToTweet tweet=”If you can’t build your network marketing business part time, you can’t build it full time.” quote=”If you can’t build your network marketing business part time, you can’t build it full time.”]
It’s the truth. More of it isn’t going to help you, so you have to be very efficient with the time that you do have.
The First Step To Building A HUGE Network Marketing Business
The first step is to have an agreement with your significant other.
And say, “Hey, here’s what I want to do. Here’s what I’m going to do. It’s going to be hell and it’s going to suck, but this is what it looks like.”
I would give them a heads up, and I would keep my word.
Most people don’t even have that talk because they’re just not that serious. Or some people will have that talk and then not maintain their side of the bargain. They’ll say I’m going to work really hard, but they don’t.
Setting Up Your Routine
Setting up your routine is essential for getting the most out of the limited time you have.
In the video below, I share my exact routine when I was in the corporate world and was making the switch to become an entrepreneur.
This will help you to set up your routine and get the most out of your time. Feel free to share this with your team.
What did you think of that? Let me know in the comments below. If you got value, feel free to share with your teammates.
More Resources For You:
29 Sources of Leads so you never run out of people to talk to ever again
Guide to Recruiting 10 or More People Every Month
Free Cold Market Prospecting Training
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PS: If you haven’t recruited anyone, or fewer than 10 people, This Course will Help (and is on Sale)
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