How to Believe in Yourself in Network Marketing

Do you need more belief in yourself?

Here I share a very powerful training on exactly how to believe in yourself and become successful in any goal you set.

How to Believe in Yourself in Network Marketing

A lot of people, they operate, like this.

“I gotta have belief.”

They hinge everything on, once I have belief, then I will do the work, right?

  • Is it meditation?
  • Is it burning incense?
  • Is it listening to Yanni?
  • Is it Kundalini Yoga?

Maybe it’s that, Kundalini Yoga. Maybe it’s that, right?

If you’re serious, about building a business …

You ready for this?

If you’re serious about building a business, stop requiring belief.

[mashtweet tweet=”If you’re serious about building a business, stop requiring belief.” text=”If you’re serious about building a business, stop requiring belief.” username=”rayhigdon”]

Isn’t that strange? Isn’t that just weird to say? Here’s why.

Let’s say that I teach you some ancient mantra, right? I teach you some Kundalini Yoga, which I’m a fan of by the way. I do it every single morning.

We’re meditating a little. We’re building our belief. We’re writing affirmations. We’re listening to Yanni and trances and all that stuff, right? We build our belief, right? It’s built now. It’s built. It’s up here. “I believe I can achieve. I can make it happen. Om.”

We’re feeling really good.

Well, at some point, you come out of your trance, your hypnotic state and you know what you look at?

Here’s what you look at. You ready for this? You look at your results.

At some point, the adrenaline subsides, and you look at your results. You say, “Well my results suck. Maybe I don’t believe. Maybe I don’t believe anymore.” Right?

Do we go back into trance? Do we start Sanskrit again? Do we burn more incense right? Is the CBD oil behind the ears? What is it that we do now?

Stop requiring belief.

Change your habits. Do the work, when you don’t believe.

Think about this…

If we require belief, before we do the work. That means we will never get results. Okay?

At the end of the day, longterm belief, rests on what are my results? You see the conundrum we’re in. Right?

Gotta build belief, OM. I can’t do the work until be a believe. OM. I did my om’s and now look at my results. They suck.

You gotta stop requiring belief, before you do the work.

Network Marketing Belief

Has anyone in your organization made a dime, without you? The answer is YES.

I don’t mean in your team.

If you require belief, you don’t have a team. If you require belief, before you do work, I can already tell you, you don’t have a team.

When you stop requiring belief, and you just do the work, look around.

Go to your company convention and say, “Huh. That person over there made money without me. I didn’t even help him. They’re not even in my organization. That lady over there, she got a result from a product, I didn’t even introduce her to it. Huh. Wow. Weird. Huh.”

Stop being the bottleneck here.

IfIf there are people in your company, that are making money, getting results from the product or the service, feeling good about being part of the organization, then that should be enough. It means the system works. It means the presentation works. It means the product works.

Now, there’s only one last thing left, that needs to work. That’s you.

Do The Work

You do the work now. Go out there and do the work.

What’s the work? The work is, without requiring belief, go see if someone’s open to taking a look at your video, to taking a look at your sample pack, to take a look at what it is that you guys are doing.

See if they’re open. Give ’em an out. Go do the work.

You go and you do the work, you start asking, “Hey. Are you open to taking a look at this? Okay, great, awesome. Oh hey, are you open to taking a look … Okay.”

You do the work, you do the work, you do the work.

One day, dark clouds are outside.

Show Up & Figure It Out

In real estate, I read my first book on, my first entrepreneur book.

My first entrepreneur book, I ever read, April 2004. By June 2004, so I read first entrepreneur book, then I read my first real estate book. Same month, April 2004. June, I bought a duplex. I didn’t know what the hell I was doing. I’m like, “How do I change the locks? How do I fix a hole in the door? What do I … I don’t know what the hell to do.” Right?

I showed up and figured it out.

I showed up and did the work.

I didn’t require belief and I also didn’t require tons of knowledge.

A lot of people are still learning, before they do the work. Go do the work.

Learn in the streets, not in your head. Go do the work.

Stop requiring belief. Stop requiring a Master degree and entrepreneurship, right? That’s NOT worth anything. By the time you learn in college, it’s like, “Oh, that was great, 25 years ago,” right? Do the work. Stop requiring belief.

If you do the work, you will get results.

[mashtweet tweet=”If you do the work, you will get results.” text=”If you do the work, you will get results.” username=”rayhigdon”]

Results In Network Marketing

Now, this varies by person. It varies. I can’t tell you, when you’re gonna get results. I don’t know. There are people like Eric Newman, who went through our training. He’d been in network marketing for 15 years, I believe. Had his first thousand dollar month after going through our training. What about D. Smith, who’s in our Rank Makers group. Five years in the industry, got into Rank Makers, got her first customer.

I don’t know when you’ll get the results. I don’t know, but I know you’ll never get them if you require belief before you do the work. Do the work.

If you want results, which is ultimately what you’re gonna rely on.

It’s hard to have belief, if you don’t have any results.

At the end of the day, you’re gonna say, “What are my results?” It’s gotta indicate your level of believe. When they’re nothing, your belief is gonna suck.

There you go. I hope that was helpful.

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More Resources For You:

How To Attract The Right People To Build Your Network Marketing Team

Why People Will Join You If You Are Brand New

29 Sources of Leads so you never run out of people to talk to again.

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