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Honored to be Speaking for the Life on Fire Virtual Summit
Super honored to be one of the speakers for the Life on Fire Virtual Summit, read on to hear the details and how to get this training for free!
Check out the list of all-stars speaking at this summit!
Big Thanks to Nick Unsworth!
My buddy Nick Unsworth and some of his partners are the ones that started the Life on Fire Virtual Summit to support Pencils of Promise. Pencils of Promise is a charity organization that is building schools for children in Guatamala. Not only am I grateful to Nick for putting this together but also for including me amongst some serious all-stars!
Life on Fire Virtual Summit Speaker Line-Up
There are so many incredible speakers for this summit, truly honored to be amongst them but here are just a few of the speakers:
Kevin Harrington (my buddy and past speaker at Top Earner Academy and one of the Originals from ABC’s Shark Tank)
Brian Tracy
Gary Vaynerchuk
Mike Koenigs
Tony Hseih from Zappos
John Lee Dumas (the guy that taught me podcasting and gets almost a million downloads a month of his podcast)
and many, many more.
The cool thing about the Life on Fire Virtual Summit is you can get ALL the training…FOR ABSOLUTELY FREE! Now, when you register for this free training, you will be given the opportunity to grab a course that is a total donation to Pencils of Promise, that is optional (but it really is awesome) but whether you want to support the cause or not, you can get all the interviews and trainings that the Life on Fire Virtual Summit generate for free!
To grab your FREE spot, register here and be sure to tell your teammates and friends about this powerful training. I am excited for my part and gonna represent our profession inside the summit! Help me share this and get the word out
To Your Abundance!
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PS: Three Video Series on Using Social Media to Build a Local Team – Click Here to Watch
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