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Help with your Vision..It’s the Small Things
One thing we teach A LOT is Vision. When you understand that sometimes it’s the small things, it may get easier.
When you fully grip creating your vision, your life will most certainly take a different path and hopefully this post will help.
Special Webinar Training Wednesday Night
My friends over at MLSP asked me to train tomorrow night and you are more than welcome to hop on this Free webinar, you can register here and be sure to bring your notepad!
Me and Vision
It really was only since January of this year that I truly started teaching Vision. It came due to a realization that simply knowing something had nothing to do with acting upon that knowledge. Once I understood that I wasn’t consistent due to my knowledge of a daily routine but it was my vision that dictated I follow a daily routine relentlessly, I realized I needed to start teaching vision.
There are a LOT of misunderstandings about vision. I am constantly quoting one of my favorite mentors Dr Michael Beckwith in that he says “Pain pushes you until a vision pulls you” and I agree wholeheartedly but there is even further dimensions we can dive down in regards to vision.
“Without a vision, you will continue to be hampered with disabling questions”
“The lack of consistency equals the lack of a vision”
You see, Vision is what will push you past the tough days and it’s the number one reason that I will always have Vision as the first session of our Top Earner Success School.
Many Times, it’s the Small Things…
I wanna help you out by sharing a few details of my day yesterday. You see, a vision is more than a why and if I have to sum up vision in just one statement, it would be “Who do you want to become?” Pay attention to a few examples of the small things that matter to help you create your vision of who YOU want to become.
Yesterday, after I posted my blog my wife asks me if I wanted to go out to breakfast. I said sure and about ten minutes later we were on our way. It made me think back to the days of corporate life where there was no way in hell I could just decide on a whim to go out for breakfast on a Monday morning. Lesson: If you have a why to quit your job or spend more time with your loved ones, SEE what you would do and how it would feel to BE the type of person that could, on a whim, go out for breakfast on a Monday morning.
After breakfast, I decided to reach out to an outdoor lighting company to put in some cool lighting around our backyard and front of the house. Just a few years ago I was in foreclosure, lost that house and had been renting for several years and quite frankly didn’t even hang a picture as the places we rented were not ours. It feels good to be back in home ownership and doing little things to make the house and yard nicer. Lesson: IF you want a new house, what does the backyard lighting look like? How about the kitchen cabinet knobs? SEE exactly what you will have and FEEL what it would feel like to BE the type of person that had an incredible house.
And finally, my oldest son Brandon texted me and answered a question I had asked him to get with his cross country coach about. You see, next weekend Brandon has a cross country meet in Orlando and due to a low school budget, the team was going to be bused up to Orlando the morning of the big race versus what they did last year which is stay overnight. I had asked him to get with his coach and see what the cost would be to put the entire team up for the night in Orlando so they could all get a good nights sleep. He came back with the answer and I met with him to give him the check. Most people would never bother to ask that type of question and just be mad at the school or complain about how unfair it was. When you make enough money, it really isn’t a big deal AND it scores him major points with his team and they hopefully will perform better due to being rested versus ride in a bus for four hours starting at 4am. LESSON: Who in your life would you love to just help without caring about a return? What group, charity, team etc could benefit if YOU were wealthier? How would it FEEL to BE to the type of person that could do this little sort of gesture?
Grateful and Honored
Just want to say Thank You to you for all your support and I truly enjoy serving you on a daily basis with my podcasts and with these blog posts. I hope to watch you grow into the person you want to become and look forward to hearing your success story as we all work to make the world a better place and remember, sometimes, it’s the small things 😉
IF you got value from this, please share and we always appreciate any comments!
To Your Abundance!
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Ray Higdon’s Sales and Marketing Blog
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“I Teach You the Marketing, Mindset and Sales Strategies to Make More Money and Follow Your Passion!”
PS: Do you struggle with YOUR mindset? My power mind course has helped a lot of people, check it out here
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