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Have I Been Teaching Affirmations The Wrong Way All This Time?
If you know me you know that I have a daily routine that I do. I wake up early, write my positive thinking affirmations, read for a certain amount of time, meditate, workout, etc. I have been writing affirmations (and teaching others) for a few years now. But, while reading a book called “The Secret Code of Success”, I now fully believe I have been teaching them all wrong…
What are Positive Thinking Affirmations?
Positive thinking affirmations are statements that are present tense and emotionally charged. Some examples of them are:
I am so happy and grateful I have so much money.
I am excited that I am so happy in my personal and business relationships.
I feel fantastic now that I only have wonderful things happen to me.
You get the picture. They sound great right? How could you go wrong writing these? Well, I don’t believe you could go wrong but after reading the section on “Afformations” in Noah St. Johns book called The Secret Code of Success, I am convinced there is a better way… (Big thank you to my man Soumangue for giving me this wonderful book)
There is a better way
Here is what we know, we know that we have unlimited potential and we also know that none of us are close to reaching it. We have a supercomputer and power center called our mind that can help us accomplish anything, but, we know that we are NOT using it to its capacity. Noah St. John suggests that instead of writing positive thinking affirmations, we write…the right questions. He talks about the law of attraction and how we get what we focus on. Too often we are focusing on the WRONG questions:
Why am I broke?
Why do I spin my wheels but never become rich?
Why am I so unlucky?
When we ask ourselves these negative questions, we get what we focus on. Noah suggests we ask ourselves empowering questions that allow our sub-conscious mind to work away at. Folks, this makes so much sense to me. I read voraciously to look for ways to unlock more of my and the people in my teams potential. This may be one of the most powerful things I have read in a book in years.
So, how does it work?
You still use positive thinking affirmations but you form them in a question. Here are Noah’s top 5 suggestions from his book:
Why am I so rich?
Why am I so happy?
Why am I enough?
Why am I good enough?
Why do I have what it takes to succeed?
Do you see how forming those as questions forces your mind to work away at them? It shifts your focus. If you write those above afformations, you cannot help but feel a little better. So, what would be good afformations for the homebased business builder? Here are some suggestions:
Why is it so easy to attract others to my homebased business?
Why am I succeeding so well at my homebased business?
Why am I so easily able to make so much money in my homebased business?
Taking 3-6 minutes per day to write these questions is very, very simple and of course, FREE! That is great but also means it is very, very easy to skip them and NOT do them. Try them out for 60 days. There is no way you could possibly injure yourself or get a migraine doing these for 60 days. You may be shocked at how quickly and easily your mind allows you to think of new ideas and implement them toward your goals. BTW: I highly suggest buying his book.
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To Your Abundance!
Ray Higdon
(239) 471-4800
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