Feel like you losing your passion for your network marketing business?
IF you feel like it might be time to just quit, this will help.
What To Do When You Feel Like Quitting Your Network Marketing Business
Anytime someone mentions quitting or dropping out, there are two things that I would suggest doing.
1. Why Did You Start?
Why did you start? What was the reason you initially said “I see a vision. I want a run at this thing. I want to do x, y, and z.”
- Was it ton spend more time with your spouse?
- Was it to get your kid out of daycare and spend more time with them?
- Maybe it was to go on more trips and vacations.
- Quit the job that maybe isn’t fulfilling to you.
- To feel significant.
- Maybe to was to get recognition.
- To be around a community of awesome individuals.
I don’t know what your reasons are, everyone’s got their own little reasons.
Why did you get started?
[clickToTweet tweet=”The vision of who you want to become will carry you through the tough times.” quote=”The vision of who you want to become will carry you through the tough times.”]
I’ve had people ask me, “How do you stay so focused? How do you show up every single day and you’re so consistent?”
Well, it’s because the vision of who I want to become is stronger than my ability to be distracted.
I don’t possess that ability to be distracted because where I want to go is so crystal clear.
My vision of where want to go is so laser, crystal clear that there is no quit. There isn’t even distraction.
Remember, why is it that you started? What did you hope to gain? Tap back into that mind of when you joined. Are those things worth the struggle?
2. If You Quit, What’s The Alternative?
If you don’t make this successful, what’s the alternative?
Is the alternative worse than having POSSIBILITY in your life?
When you’re in a networking marketing company, you have possibility.
You have the possibility of time freedom, you have the possibility of financial freedom. You have the possibility of being around awesome individuals that encourage you, celebrate you, acknowledge you, recognize you, high five you, take selfies with you.
It’s a lot of possibility.
If we eliminate that possibility, is there a possibility in your life? What’s the alternative?
Is there financial freedom possibility? A time freedom possibility? Is there being around awesome individuals that high five you at will? Is that a possibility in your life? Or is the alternative not that great?
[clickToTweet tweet=” If you quit, you’re embracing an alternative.” quote=” If you quit, you’re embracing an alternative.”]
I’ll tell you, six months is a good chunk of time. It’s not enough for most. Most people, six months isn’t enough to know if this fit for you or not.
To me, if someone joins the network marketing company without at least a 12 month commitment, I usually tell them to save their money.
Unless you have a special background, you’re probably not gonna create success in the first six months of network marketing.
[clickToTweet tweet=”The vision of who I want to become is stronger than my ability to be distracted.” quote=”The vision of who I want to become is stronger than my ability to be distracted.”]
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Let me know what you think in the comments below. And, feel free to share this with your teammates.
More Resources For You:
Stuck & Wanting To Quit To Building A Team of 500,000
Fastest Way To Make Money In Network Marketing
29 Sources of Leads so you never run out of people to talk to again.
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Ray Higdon’s Network Marketing Blog
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