There are so many network marketing best practices and tips out there for ways to succeed.
But a big debate is in regards to trying to sell to cold market, or building rapport and trust first. Here’s my thoughts –
Cold Market Prospecting vs. Building Rapport: What You Need To Know About These Network Marketing Best Practices
With so many tips and tools for marketers out there, it’s hard to really know what you should be doing.
The short answer is – whatever works for you.
That being said, you may be wondering whether cold market prospecting or building rapport and relationships with clients is more beneficial for your bottom line.
A lot of people teach building rapport and continuing to nurture your audience until finally selling to them, however, we do not. There are certainly pros and cons to both, and as with everything, it’s important to figure out exactly what works for you and ride that train.
We teach specific ways to prospect to cold audiences who have no idea who you are, in the most efficient ways possible.
Here’s what you need to know about both of these network marketing best practices.
More Resources For You:
How To Attract The Right People To Build Your Network Marketing Team
Why People Will Join You If You Are Brand New
29 Sources of Leads so you never run out of people to talk to again.
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