smart-squareEver wonder about strategies to help your child become smarter? This will help, big time.

I share powerful information from the audio book I just finished that absolutely impacts how to help your child or children become smarter.

THE Book for Parents

I just finished reading this book – 30 Million words by Dana Suskind. It. Is. AWESOME.

It really challenged what I believed to know about impacting a child’s intelligence and I share a lot of what I got from this book in the video below. With having a two month old daughter I found this information to be EPIC with how to help your child become smarter.

Helping your Child become Smarter

I’m now a father of three. That seems so weird to say. I’m a father of three, but I have a 2-month-old daughter, Sabrina, and she’s the light of my life. She is absolutely amazing, and so I’ve been deep diving on lots of different parenting articles, books, audio books.

I’m listening to this book, and it’s called “Thirty Million Words.” I believe it’s by Dana Suskind. Parents, get this book. Get this book.

I’m going to give you multiple points on how to raise a more balanced, a more unstoppable, and a smarter child that I got directly from that book.

Here’s a simple 3-T approach.

Number one, tune in. Tune in. If your child is focused on something, anything, okay? A block, a car, a giraffe, a book, whatever. Whatever they are tuned into, you tune into them. Let me give you the example they give in the book. Everyone knows that it’s powerful to read to kids. The most powerful reason it is, is for them to hear number of words. They don’t comprehend, but they hear number of words, so number of words spoken to a child, very important for their intelligence, but let me get back to tune in, so tune into your child. If they are focused on a block, but you want to read them a book, meet them in their world and go help them with the block. Go say, “Ooh, what a cool block. Wow, this is really awesome.” Tune into them. Number one, tune in.

Baby Sabrina!

Baby Sabrina!

Number two, talk more. Talk to them more. Now, I’ll tell you. When baby Sabrina was born, I bought all these different DVDs. My friends gave us baby Einstein. We bought Little Pim to learn Italian, French, and Spanish, and I got all these different things, right? These studies have shown that it can be detrimental to expose your child to screens often and early. It can be detrimental, and the learning there versus social interaction is off the charts different. Instead of doing those things, I’m actually going to be hiring people to come and teach her, and interact with her, teach her different languages, because that’s the preferred method.

“Talk more” means you’re speaking more. You’re just saying more things. They did studies in welfare families. They did studies in middle-income. They studies in professional high-income families. One major glaring difference is the ones in welfare families, the families talk less. They didn’t say as many words. In the more professional families, they were literally millions, tens of millions of words said more over a period of a year.

The third T is take turns.  Talk back and forth. One thing that I do every single day with baby Sabrina is I’ll pick her up, and I’ll say, “How was your day? How was your day?” She’ll say, “Goo,” right? I’ll say, “Oh, really? That’s amazing. Really? What else?” She’ll go, “Goo,” right? I’ll say, “No, you’re making that up. Come on. That didn’t happen,” right? We will go back and forth for 30 or 40 minutes, and she’s 2 months old. Obviously, I don’t believe she’s comprehending anything, but it’s that interaction, that going back and forth, Very, very, very important.

The below video gives you the rest of the tips and if you have a child, I cannot tell you how important it is to embrace these tips and I really hope they help you.

Was that helpful? Do you think more parents should hear those tips? Please share if you got value and think that parenting is a MAJOR cause for some of the problems in the world, let’s help some kids and some parents out if you would please share this.

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