Believe in the Good of People

With the majority of news and media being negatively slanted, I think it is important for us in the self-improvement industry to constantly help people believe in the good of people.

I believe in Good People

Sometimes it is easy to see all the negative and bad people in the world. The killers, rapers, kidnappers, corrupt politicians, etc. But I believe in the good of people. I believe there are still a LOT of people out there that care and genuinely want to see the betterment of mankind.

This morning I watched a simple, short video that warmed my heart and made me smile and was just another confirmation in my belief in good people out there. Give it a watch…

Video: Believe in the Good of People


What Can We Do? 10 Random Acts of Kindness

The holiday season is here and this is the time of year that more people are joyful but unfortunately more people are also sad. Sad that they don’t have relationships or money to celebrate the way they wish they could. Here are some suggestions you can do to brighten YOUR day and also brighten the days of others:

1. Take coffee or snacks to YOUR local cancer chapter.

2. If you see someone struggling across the road or with something they are carrying, help them out.

3. At the airport, bar, or restaurant and see a unformed military person? Buy them a drink or a meal.

4. Have great restaurant service somewhere? Make their day and give them a huge tip.

5. Write a hand-written note to any mentor, teacher, professor or person that helped influence you over the years. You never know where they are mentally and have no idea how much this could make their day.

6. Pay for the person behind you at a toll booth.

7. Have your kids write holiday cards to the elderly or sick.

8. Go to your local animal shelter and take pictures of needed animals and post them on Facebook with instructions on how to rescue them.

9. Spend some time serving food at your local soup kitchen or salvation army.

10. Look into your local guardian ad litem program. This is a program that gives presents to kids in low income families. You can raise money or collect presents.

What Are Your Ideas?

Leave me a comment. What is a random act of kindness that YOU can think of or you have done?

To Your Abundance!

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