7 Questions To Answer Before You
Jump into a Homebased Business

This question is being asked more and more, “Ray, should I start a homebased business to create an additional stream of income?” As there is so much confusion on the different ways to make an additional income and the type of person that might fit well with one, I wrote this blog to hopefully help out those in research mode to determine what their best move is for the future.

7 Questions Before You Jump Into a Homebased Business

1) Do you love, absolutely adore, what you are doing for income right now?

2) Do you really look forward to Monday mornings?

3) Are you living a life that you feel will inspire your children, if you have or ever will have kids?

4) Are you perfectly OK with doing the same thing you are currently doing for money in 20 years?

5) Are you perfectly OK with always asking someone for permission to take time off to take your kids to the doctor, or perhaps attend a siblings wedding?

6) Do you believe that your company and boss have as much loyalty to you as you do to them?

7) Are you OK with spending more time with framed pictures of your family on your desk than the real thing?

If you answered no to some or all of the above questions….Do you get a sense that NOW may be a good time to be asking them, before you lose even more time that can never be recaptured?

If you look at the above questions again, you will see that I framed them in a way to perhaps help some folks with their “why”. If you have no compelling reason WHY to build your homebased business, you will probably peter out and wimp out before you ever build a real business. Here is another question…

8) Would you feel like more of a man/woman if you were able to create a way that your significant other could choose whether they worked or not?

Here’s a way to truly help you build your homebased business

Think of any one of the questions above, identify if any of them generate pain with you. Then, determine what is more painful, talking to other human beings and inviting them to check out your MLM or continuing a life that has you failing in other categories. I hate the idea of asking for permission to do anything, that is one big reason I love building my homebased business. I also love having the freedom that I get to spend more time with my kids than I ever did while in corporate America. Lastly, I love the fact that my fiance can work, if she wants to, she doesn’t have to. I hope this helps you in your search =)

Yes, I am ready to get the scriptbook on closing more professionals into my business. I fully understand that following this script will result in me making more money and feeling less awkward when talking to prospects. I will head over to the page to Download the Little Black Book of Scripts right now.



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To Your Abundance!

Ray Higdon

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