Re-Motivating A Network Marketing Team

How do you re-motivate your team when they feel stuck?

Here I share 2 BIG secrets that will help get your team producing!

2 Secrets to Re-Motivating A Network Marketing Team FAST

How do you re-motivate your team when they feel stuck?

I’m going to give you a couple of different ways to look at this.

What are some words you would use to define that word in context of your team?

You may think they feel stuck.

One of the core values in Rank Makers is we know that for us to change, the language has to change. The way that we describe things is what keeps them or changes them.

Change Your Language

Years ago I used to say, “Man I’m just not creative …” so guess what, I wasn’t creative.

A mentor of mine said, “Hey man, why do you say that? It’s not serving you. Why don’t you stop saying it.”

I changed my language and how I describe it and all of a sudden I changed.

I would be very careful of absolutes. Unless you have a team of one, the chances of every person on that team feeling stuck is highly unlikely. But they all become stuck if that’s your language.

I’d be very careful on any kind of absolutes unless it’s a positive.

“Man, my team’s really fired up.” Is that okay to blanket cover a team with? Sure, why not? Nothing wrong with that.

But if you’re throwing a negative, I would try to avoid at all costs. Like, saying that they’re just not doing anything.

Some people say, “My team, not doing nothing.”  I’ve seen it so many times where a leader will describe their team in a blanket negative state. Not smart, not a good idea.

Instead of that, I would ask myself a couple of different questions.

Question #1 : How can I create an environment where teammates feel good whether they produce or not?

I know a lot of people in network marketing that have been on hundred dollar or two hundred dollar autoship for 20 years, never made a dime but are happy as hell.

Why? Because they get to feel like they belong. Because they’re in a team with good culture.

People that feel good whether they produce or not in a network marketing organization, they feel like they belong and it’s because there’s good culture.

Our definition of Good Culture is: The making of people to feel good regardless of their level of desire or level of results.

[mashtweet tweet=”Good Culture is making of people to feel good regardless of their level of desire or level of results.” quote=”Good Culture is making of people to feel good regardless of their level of desire or level of results.”]

Desire not only fluctuates, but desire is different for everyone.

Five percent of any network marketing organization wants to reach the very top. But those five percent cause a lot of destruction because they try to impose their five percentness on everybody else.

Ah! You need to be fired up. Ah! Ah! It’s not okay to just belong. Wait a minute. You’re happy because you belong? That ain’t cool, you’re not diamond, you’re not a crown ambassador. Get to work! How do I get this schmuck to work?”

That shmuck may have stayed on auto ship for 25 years and been happy until the five percenter alerted them that they shouldn’t be.

Number two: How do I create more resiliency in those with desire?

A lot of trainers talk about, having a WHY.

Here’s what I found out about having a WHY…

Most people have had the same WHY for five years. Is that resiliency? Why haven’t they accomplished this WHY?

Why is that WHY not doing the job?

I know so many people that for nine years they’ve been wanting to retire with their spouse. Why hasn’t it happened yet? A WHY is very external.

Some people will inappropriately label what they’re thinking with the word WHY, but it’s really two things:

1) Vision. Who do you want to become?

2) Core values.

In the video below I share exactly how to create a vision and core values to propel you and your team to success.

Did you find that helpful?

Let me know what you think in the comments below. And, feel free to share this with your teammates.

More Resources For You:

How To Attract The Right People To Build Your Network Marketing Team

Why People Will Join You If You Are Brand New

29 Sources of Leads so you never run out of people to talk to again.

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