2 Big Hurdles That Prevent People
from Creating an MLM Blog

Some of you know I am doing a blogging academy right now and last night we had a Q and A session that made me realize there are two hurdles that prevent people from creating an MLM blog, this post will help identify these two obstacles and how to overcome them.

Why Create an MLM Blog?

It is a systematic way to get people to keep coming back to your website and a way for you to share ways to help people build their network marketing business. It is my number one source of getting leads and is my main method for passive marketing.

The 2 Hurdles…

Last night during our Q and A session for the Pro Blog Academy, it became evident to me what was holding people back. Understand that it is ALWAYS mindset that keeps people back from moving forward on their dreams but here are two very particular hurdles.

1. The belief that there is too much competition already out there. Keep in mind, when I started my MLM blog, no one knew me and there was a TON of well-known guys out there blogging and doing online marketing. If I evaluated who was out there already doing online MLM marketing, instead of believing that over time I could get some results, I never would have started. The guaranteed way to NOT get any results is to never start. Understand that ALL of us started somewhere and stop looking at the CURRENT results of anyone but instead that at one point, they were unknown.

2. What do I talk about or Who Would Want to Listen to Me? This is another self imposed limitation that prevents people from building a successful MLM blog. If every marketer on the planet took this approach, we would have some pretty strange marketing out there. Marketing, whether in an MLM blog or not, is the act of solving problems, not just talking about yourself. Once you determine WHO you are wanting to attract to your blog, define the problems of that target prospect and then create content that will serve them. It is too difficult to try to impress them, instead, just try to serve them by helping them with issues they have in their life. Focus OUTWARD versus inward and you will be on the path to becoming a great MLM blogger.

The Real Secret of Having a Great MLM Blog

The real secret of having a great MLM blog is getting started and then focusing on the needs and problems of your target prospect whether it be other existing network marketers or retired professionals looking for a new side income, etc. Consistent content that serves is your real key to MLM blogging success.


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Ray Higdon
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Image: imagerymajestic / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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