Have you thought about where you could be in 12 months if you really put things in perspective?
Today I’m sharing some tips on improving your business, day-to-day, and overall life to be the best version of yourself down the line.
Who Do You Want To Be 12 Months From Now
A lot of times, we’re looking for what can we add to our business – that strategy, what is that Instagram tip, that Facebook hack, that recruiting line.
But the biggest growth in our business and impact isn’t what we added, it’s what we got rid of. It’s actually what we removed.
For me, that’s been feeling worthy of doing some of the things that I want to do, me giving myself permission to play bigger. And this is something that I’ve had to work on consistently.
Whenever you’re being suggested to show up differently, there’s some kind of reaction if you’re consistently staying in the same place and you’ve been in the same place for years.
For some of you, the same place means six figures a year, seven figures a year, some of you, zero a year.
If you’ve been in the same place for an extended period of time, you probably have an instant reaction when someone says, “Step it up. Play bigger. Be more powerful.”
My suggestion is it’s time to let that go. Just let that stuff go.
Now let’s talk about the pattern.
We all have them. You have a pattern, and that pattern may have served you to where you are now, but it’s time to get different patterns to serve you at a different level.
[mashtweet tweet=”It’s time to get different patterns to serve you at a different level.” text=”It’s time to get different patterns to serve you at a different level.” username=”rayhigdon”]
You’re now somewhere where you want to play bigger, and so you have to recognize that pattern, find what is keeping you back, and learn to let it go.
Hitting Goals
I want you to think about the next 12 months. What does that look like? What are some things that you want to accomplish that are meaningful to you?
If I ask most people that, they’ll say something like, “Well, I really want to help the kids. I really want to… ”
And it’s completely okay to have personal goals because, in this profession, your personal goals means more impact.
You want to hit the top of your comp plan? You can’t get there without helping people. You can’t get there without someone benefiting from your product, your service, your opportunity.
You can’t get to the top without making a bigger impact, without making a bigger difference. And money is just a magnifier.
Who do you want to be locally?
Who do you want to be for your team? Who do you want to be for your family? Who do you want to show up as, and what are those goals for those next 12 months?
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More Resources For You:
How To Attract The Right People To Build Your Network Marketing Team
Why People Will Join You If You Are Brand New
29 Sources of Leads so you never run out of people to talk to again.
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