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How to Deal with Rejection

Some of you are in my new course called “The Power Mind” where I talk about how to focus on and grasp the things that you want in your life versus how the mass mediocre crawl through life focused on what they don’t want. This post will teach you how to deal with rejection and keep your mind focused on the good stuff.

Handling Rejection

One of the key traits that will determine if someone has success in network marketing or not is IF they learn how to deal with rejection. People with a sales background are used to being rejected as not everyone wants to buy whatever they are selling but it is those without a sales background that are bewildered when they come into network marketing and get their first few rejections. It feels weird and certainly not positive. Your determination on if you learn how to handle rejection or not will usually determine if you are ever to have success outside of that 9-5 job.

The people that succeed in network marketing do two things, 1) they see if people are open to an EXTRA income and or whatever product they are promoting and 2) they don’t quit. That’s it really. There are some additional things along the way such as self-growth and being consistent but other than that, pretty simple. I look at my rise in this wonderful career, I averaged 20 No’s per day, everyday, for 6 months! But, handling rejection for that extended period of time got me out of foreclosure and into a dream lifestyle, now do you see why you should learn how to deal with rejection?

There’s Hope by Learning How to Deal with Rejection

Random facts from around the world:

– ..it is indeed true that the construction industry has lost 119,000 jobs in the last two years. (source: http://fullfact.org/factchecks/jobs_employment_construction_industry-28359)

– Queensland has been the hardest hit state with unemployment up 1 per cent in the past 12 months as 23,000 people lost their jobs. (source: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/jobless-rate-jumps-to-54pc-in-sept/story-e6frg6n6-1226493523216)

– 389,600 people lost their jobs in Australia between February 2011 and February this year (source: http://www.smh.com.au/money/planning/coping-with-the-upheaval-of-redundancy-20121005-273dd.html#ixzz28zxzXEjc)

– the U.S. economy actually lost 1.2 million jobs in July? (source: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/ezra-klein/wp/2012/08/05/wait-the-u-s-economy-actually-lost-1-2-million-jobs-in-july/)

Now, I don’t share these random tidbits from around the world to preach doom and gloom, I preach it to share opportunity. It is a fact that lots of people have lost their jobs and may be overqualified or hate the idea of putting their life back in the hands of another boss that might leave them high and dry again. For the home business entrepreneur or network marketer, this spells OPPORTUNITY but the ONLY way you will ever get there is if you get over yourself and learn how to deal with rejection.

My Key on How to Handle Rejection

One word dominates my strategy on how I handle rejection with ease. Abundance. I believe that any one of us, in any network marketing or home business can THRIVE in this economy or quite frankly, any economy.

Stop being addicted to the outcome of an individual telling you they WILL join your network marketing business and instead just collect a decision. Your goal is to go and find people, determine if they are open to the idea of making extra money from home or being mentored by your team and if they are, move forward, if they are not, move on. It is that simple.

DO NOT try to convince people that it’s awesome or that they should do it, see if they are open, collect a decision and think ABUNDANCE. There are thousands and thousands of people per day looking for additional streams of income, you WILL run into and find them IF you get over being hung up with rejection and continue to prospect. Know that there ARE people fed up with the normal way of doing things and they want to control their life, they are out there, it is up to you, to go free them. 🙂

To your abundance!

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Ray Higdon

Skype: ray.higdon

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Work With Me – Numis Network

Image(s): FreeDigitalPhotos.net

PS: Want to Attract More In Your Life? Get the Pre-Release Pricing of my Law of Attraction Course

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