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MLM Recruiting:
Ever Wonder Why Prospects Lie?

Ever wonder why your MLM prospects lie to you and tell you they will watch the video or show up to your meeting? Would you like to just discover the real reasons people are not doing what they say or what you want? This quick blog post will boost your MLM recruiting results by teaching and training you how to gain more influence.

Your MLM Recruiting Results Would Be Awesome…if they’d just listen

I hear this often. Someone struggling to build their business will say, Man, this would really help the people I talk to if they would just listen! Well, reality is you will never get them to listen unless you learn how to listen and understand them.

Last Monday I did a webinar solely devoted to maintaining posture and power and in that I talked about WHY MLM prospects don’t do what they say they will do or what you want them to do. The biggest reason why people are lying to you or not doing what you want them to is this…

They are seeing you as a salesperson, not a problem solver.

MLM Recruiting: From Salesperson to Problem Solver

What you should REALLY be asking is NOT why won’t they but how can I…that is, How can YOU become a better problem solver.

Last Saturday I did a training in Naples for my team and someone remarked on this topic that “You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make them drink”. My response to that was, you can if you salt their food. 🙂

Sample Ways to Problem Solve to Boost Your MLM Recruiting


IF someone tells you they will show up to your meeting or watch your video, ask them why. Why are you considering checking this out? Why would you be open to a home business? Why would someone like you say yes to watching a video on making money from home?

You see, people trying to recruit think that the prospect has drawn these conclusions in their mind and the reality is they haven’t because we all have so much going on in our lives. If you get them to stop and actually think about their life and what they would like to have, you, all of a sudden, get upgraded from annoying pesky salesperson to a much needed problem solver.


Lets focus on your immediate past MLM recruiting: Quick, take the last 3 people that told you they were going to show up to a meeting or watch the video that didn’t…did you get them to verbally say WHY they might show up? Were you acting as a salesperson or a problem solver? Post in the comments below and BE HONEST!

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Ray Higdon
Skype: ray.higdon
Email: [email protected]

Work With Me – Numis Network

Image: africa / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

PS: If Your Upline Does Not Have a Step-By-Step Blueprint For Success, Check This Out (Unless You Already Have Too Many Leads) – Click Here For Instant Access

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