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Stay Hungry, Stay Committed…Despite

stay hungry

Do you want a different 2014? You have GOT to stay hungry and this blog post will help you with that.

Commitment is a sacred word we will cover today as well, if you want to make a change, read this over and over.

**No video again today, still up in Cleveland but back tonight! Big video coming tomorrow, stay tuned!

This Morning and Commitment

First of all, I don’t expect to get any slack from my Northern friends on the story I am about to share but it IS an example of commitment.

My wife and I are currently up in Cleveland visiting her grandparents (They are an amazing couple that has been married for 50 years and such fun to hang out with).

The Internet service is terrible at their house so I have been getting up early and driving to McDonald’s for Free WIFI and getting some work done before anyone else wakes up (several BIG projects going on, one of which is my new book) and today, I faced a new challenge.

It was freezing and snowing, the car was an ice cube and it was still dark out. See the picture of the car to the right. But I got in that car, let it warm up enough to get most of the ice off the windshield and drove like 20 miles an hour to the McDonald’s terrified and barely able to see the road. Hey, I live in Florida, I have no idea how to drive in this stuff! Why did I leave a cozy bed with my beautiful wife to do this blog post? Commitment.

What About Lifestyle?

Some might say, well Ray, that doesn’t sound great, I thought you had a great lifestyle? Here’s a distinction for you. If my goal was to make enough money to NOT have to work daily or get out of bed when I didn’t want to, I assure you, I got it. However, that was never my big goal. CHOOSING when to work and when not to work is awesome to have as an option but when you goals include inspiring others, making an impact and living a life that excites you based on the number of people you inspire, you COMMIT to getting out of bed and making the crappy track to McDonald’s to do this blog, even if it only inspires one person, the trip will STILL be worth it. If someone remembers this blog post when they are facing a silly little obstacle like snow and ice, it will be worth it. Stay Hungry.

Stay Hungry

I don’t recall where I heard this but someone said that success and hitting goals extinguishes the fire in some and ignites the fire in others.

Yesterday I did a review of the movie “The Wolf of Wall Street“, Jordan Belfort was clearly someone that got ignited by hitting his goals (no, not condoning his actions, but his desire to grow) and so are most athletes. When you understand that nothing in nature is ever standing still, it is either growing or dying, it DICTATES that you MUST Stay Hungry.

Create goals that once hit, drive you to your next goals. Creating goals should NOT be stressful, it should be EXCITING. If you aren’t a little or a lot uncomfortable in your business, it means your goals are NOT challenging enough and if they aren’t, you simply are not hungry, but you can get there.


You will have friends and family members tell you that you can’t do reach your goals. You will start with not enough capital. There will be times you want to quit and it would make way more logical sense to quit than to keep going. So freaking what? That’s part of the journey. If you DON’T experience those things then you aren’t even in the game. Stay hungry DESPITE. Stay Hungry despite your lack of excitement from friends and family. Stay hungry despite your lack of success initially. Stay hungry despite your lack of support or if you have an idiot upline leader. Stay hungry despite your spouse telling you to be realistic.

Here’s to you being unreasonable. Here’s to you being crazy enough to chase your dreams DESPITE whatever circumstances, obstacles or baloney excuses you might try to convince me of. Here’s to YOU, becoming the person you are meant to become and shining your light on this world when it is so desperately needed.

I believe in you my friend, keep on your journey and stay hungry!

To Your Abundance!

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Ray Higdon’s MLM Blog
Skype: ray.higdon
Email: [email protected]

“I Show Network Marketers How to Recruit More Reps, Get More Leads and Become a Top Earner in Their Network Marketing Company.”
Image(s): FreeDigitalPhotos.net

PS: Serious about getting better at Network Marketing Recruiting? Ready to set the new year on FIRE? Download my best recruiting and persuasion course now and start rank advancing and inspiring your team! Click Here

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