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Latest Tips and Training From Ray and Jessica Higdon

Is Network Marketing a Valid Way to Make Money at Home?

I have been a real estate investor since 2004 and have made a lot of money wholesaling houses and contracts, doing rehab projects and helping people that were facing foreclosure. It is pretty well known that right now is a great time to be buying real estate as the...

How to Kick Your Network Marketing Business into Warp Speed

By: Ray Higdon   There is a huge wave in America of people jumping into network marketing. But why is it that so few people actually do well with that type of business? This article is meant for the person that REALLY wants to take their business to the next level as...

New Article – 3 Ways to Have a Blissful Life

3 Keys to Having a Blissful Life By: Ray Higdon   Ever gone through times where you get down due to circumstances outside your control? Well, you should not allow that to happen, at least for very long! This article is meant to help condition your mind to no longer...

Get Full Access to my Ebook Collection for FREE!

That's right! FREE! I have compiled an Awesome Collection of Ebooks on Making Money and Maintaining the Right Thoughts and Attitudes, and You can have FULL access for FREE by simply submitting your information on my page here - https://rayhigdon.com/signup.htm Ray...

3 Ways to Make Money in a Down Economy

A lot of people I talk to are struggling in this economy. In my area in Southwest Florida there was a lot of real estate speculation where the profits were not realized and some people got in over their head. There is also the effect of fewer real estate transactions...

Saturday Night Naples Event, Three Great Speakers

Mega Power Event! Saturday Night, Sept 13th Peter Willis, Len Strickler and Ray Higdon to speak on charity, making a difference and breaking through your mental barriers! Peter Willis's background is in corporate America and he worked for bottled water companies. He...

The 3 things you MUST know before selling your house

1. There are buyers out there, investors know that a down market is the right time to buy. 2. Don't give up hope, worrying about your problem does not solve anything, focus on the things that you can control and be positive. 3. When bad things happen, program yourself...