Do you want more followers, more traffic, more people attracted to you and your Facebook Lives?

This post will give you IMPORTANT Tips to boost your engagement and get serious results using Facebook Live.

Home Business Intensive (December 10th 2016)

Are you looking to Create Lifestyle & Financial Freedom In Your Network Marketing Business? Come join us in Sunny Ft. Myers Florida on December 10th, we’re going to meet up for about 6 hours of INTENSE network marketing training.

This is going to be a one-of-a-kind event! Something we’ve never done before and we can’t wait to see you there. Click here for more info and to secure your ticket.

Get Serious Results Using Facebook Live

We’re a huge fan of Facebook Live, no question. Facebook Live is the EASIEST and FASTEST way to reach the most people, and you barely need anything. You don’t need a sales funnel, you don’t need a capture page, you don’t need a blog, you don’t need anything but Facebook and a phone. Most people have access to be able to do Facebook and the key is to maximize getting the number of people on Facebook stream live. Here are some SIMPLE and ESSENTIAL tips to get MASSIVE results.

1. Know Your Target Market

Who are you trying to attract? It is very hard if you want to just attract everybody.

Now, I know in network marketing you can recruit anybody you want. But there’s a difference between prospecting and marketing. If you’re at an event, if you’re at a networking meeting, if you’re at something, then prospect who’s around you.

But when you craft marketing (which Facebook Live is a form of marketing) you should be performing for a particular audience.

You have to think about:

  1. Who is the perfect person that I want to be attracted to me?
  2. What is it that they struggle with?
  3. What can I provide that will be a solution to them?”

A lot of people, they’re like, “Well, Ray, who should be my target market?” Instead of looking at what works, look at WHO do you want. WHI do you want to work with? Do you want to work with more realtors, do you want to work with other network marketers, do you want to work with stay-at-home moms, do you want to work with mothers of twins, do you want to work with left-handed machinists? Who do you want to work with, and what do they struggle with? How can you provide value to them, how can you attract them to you? Create content that would attract your perfect target market.

2. Doing Things Worthy Of Attraction

Be doing things and covering topics that people are interested in. Think of it like a merchandise store. If inside the store there’s really nothing, and no great products. Then getting more people to that store isn’t really gonna help. You want to embrace the idea that you’re performing for a market. Now, you’re probably not the Kardashians (or you’re probably not a reality TV star) so you have to perform for a particular target market. You have to understand that you’re performing for an audience. That audience is your target market.

3. Maximize Facebook Live Recording

Share your the recording around. I would highly suggest that you copy that link and post it around. You can post it over on Twitter, LinkedIn, and in different Facebook groups.

Now, if you have a target market such as pet owners, baby boomers, people wanting to have clearer skin or wanting to lose weight, then it’s pretty simple to find other places that have relevant people in that, and go and do it.

Why not maximize? You already did the effort and all the work!

How to share URL:

To share on a computer: Right-click a Facebook Live, the third button down it’ll say Show Video URL.

To share on a phone: Click Share and click Copy Link.

4. Facebook Fan Page VS Personal Page

Streaming your Facebook Live it’s crucial to use the right page. Watch the video below for my advice on using your Fan Page or Personal Page.

Was that helpful? If so, please share it around!

More Resources For You:

Target Marketing To Get More Leads and Sales

Social Media Recruiting Free Webinar 

How To Use Attraction Marketing To Grow Your Business


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Ray Higdon’s Network Marketing Blog
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Email: [email protected]
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PS: Are you looking to Create Lifestyle & Financial Freedom In Your Network Marketing Business? Join us in Sunny Ft. Myers Florida on December 10th, for an INTENSE network marketing training. Click here for more info and to secure your ticket.

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